The Story Behind the Name
Every name has a story. Greenline Marketing is no different.
As told by our Founder, Bridget Deutz.
Gary & Armella Deutz
Richard “Dick” & Irene Maertens
It all started in 1837 …
Well, kind of. That’s the year John Deere tractors were first created. And I like to think that since that time, the pieces fell together perfectly.
My paternal grandparents, Gary & Armella Deutz have been farming since, well, forever. They came from farming families, were a farming family themselves, and raised six children of farming families. Long days, hard work, faith, and a job well done weren’t just strong family values, they were necessities of the life they lived.
My maternal grandparents, Dick & Irene Maertens have a story very similar. Raised in southwestern Minnesota they too, grew up in farming families. Although not on a farm, they raised their seven children with those same values.
The Year was 1962
My Grandpa Maertens has owned and managed a handful of John Deere dealerships for a number of years. Grandpa Deutz was growing the amount of land he owned and recently started a family.
And just after my Dad was born but just before my Mom was, Grandpa Deutz purchased his very first tractor. In fact, he bought his very first tractor from my Grandpa Maertens.
My Parents met Less Than 20 years later
… and got married in 1982. At their wedding, they rode away in a John Deere manure spreader (don’t worry, it was brand new) with a banner that read Long Green Lines Getting Longer. The “green lines” phrase doesn’t just reference rows of strong, healthy crops, but the lines of farming families and the meaning of heritage and posterity.
I grew up with my five siblings on the farm where my Grandpa Maertens (my Mom’s dad, if you’re losing track) was raised; a farm that’s been in our family for more than a hundred years.
So, when I was trying to choose a name…
I wanted something that wouldn’t just nod to my parents and the values they raised me with, but the people who raised them, too. I wanted a name that was strong, that I felt a deep connection with, and something to honor my story and my parents and grandparents. They are the ones who passed on the work ethic, the grit, the “you do your damned best no matter what” mindset, and the drive to follow your heart even, if it means leaning into the unknown. Rain or shine, we hope for green lines.
So, Greenline Marketing.